Post by The_LA_FlashPost by The_LA_FlashPost by Tin@I've ALWAYS known how to spell Sheri's name.
So if have ALWAYS known how to spell her name, why were you spelling
it incorrectly?
Same reason you misspell my name. However, things have changed between me and Sheri, so stop stirring up old shit, Troll.
I spell your name that way because of the funny story you once told me
about how when you were a kid your mom wrote your name on your lunch
bag it looked like she spelled "tuna." So having said that, is there a
funny story behind why you spelled her name that way?
No, you do it to disrespect me, because that is what trolls, LIKE YOU, do. Carry on, troll.-
Oh ok, so you were doing it to disrespect her, sometimes getting an
answer out of you is like pulling teeth.
Not so fast with your: "because that is what trolls, LIKE YOU, do.
Carry on, troll" don't forget just yesterday you were spelling the
guy's first name from Wash D.C. as "Blahb" so don't be so quick at
pointing the finger at someone else when you are still up to your old