On Mon, 10 Sep 2012 07:10:01 -0700 (PDT), efgh
Post by efghStarts today with their first show which is already posted.
Well I listened to it this morning. I liked it. No it's not M&B but
it was good enough that I will listen to a few and see how it goes. It
took a bit for them to relax and when they started to play "For No
Apparent Reason" you could "feel" Brian relax and get into his groove
a little.
I always enjoyed the game obviously. In this case it is not the same
but the end result is complete improv and a more relaxed feel. I
enjoy that. It will take me a bit to get to know Jill and see if she
is my cup of tea but I'll probably listen all of this week and then go
from there.